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Ego, Beate

Prof. Dr. Beate Ego lehrt Exegese und Theologie des Alten Testaments an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.



This commentary sets the ancient Jewish story of Tobit within a broad tradition-historical context, analyzing the conceptions of angels and demons it contains, as well as its notions of ancient medicine, together with its understanding of the Torah. Presented along with this is a synchronically oriented interpretation of the whole text, which shows that the narrative should ultimately be understood in terms of historical theology.



Diese Kommentierung stellt die antikjüdische Tobiterzählung in einen breiten traditionsgeschichtlichen Kontext, indem sie sowohl die darin enthaltenen Vorstellungen zu Engeln und Dämonen sowie zur antiken Medizin als auch ihre Torakonzeption analysiert.



This commentary places the ancient Jewish Tobit narrative in the broader context of the history of the tradition by analysing both the ideas it contains about ancient medicine and its conception of the Torah. It also presents a synchronic overall interpretation showing that the narrative is ultimately to be understood in terms of the theology of history.