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Ehiane, Stanley Osezua

Stanley Osezua Ehiane is a senior lecturer in the Department of Politics and Administrative Studies, at the University of Botswana. He is also a Senior Research Associate in the School of Public Management and Governance, College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. 

Lukong Stella Shulika is a Research Associate at the Institute for the Future of Knowledge, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. 

Clayton Hazvinei Vhumbunu is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Studies and Governance at the University of Free State (UFS), South Africa. 

Engagement of Africa in Conflict Dynamics and Peace Architectures</a>

Engagement of Africa in Conflict Dynamics and Peace Architectures

This book examines the nature of conflict in Africa vis-à-vis the African Union (AU) peace and security architecture in Africa. It focuses on the intense campaign ‘Silencing the Guns by 2020’ since 2013, one of the flagship projects of Agenda 2063 to achieve a conflict-free continent by AU.

Engagement of Africa in Conflict Dynamics and Peace Architectures</a>

Engagement of Africa in Conflict Dynamics and Peace Architectures

This book examines the nature of conflict in Africa vis-à-vis the African Union (AU) peace and security architecture in Africa. It focuses on the intense campaign ‘Silencing the Guns by 2020’ since 2013, one of the flagship projects of Agenda 2063 to achieve a conflict-free continent by AU.