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Eilam, Ehud

Ehud Eilam is a former private contractor for the Israeli Ministry of Defense, where for several years he conducted research in different branches of the Israeli Defense Forces.

Israeli Strategies in the Middle East</a>

Israeli Strategies in the Middle East

This book offers an in depth discussion of the Israeli – Iranian conflict, and its implications for the United States and Arab states. The main topic is Israel’s approach to handling Iran and its partners, given Iran’s ambitions, including its plan to produce nuclear weapons.

Israeli Strategies in the Middle East</a>

Israeli Strategies in the Middle East

This book offers an in depth discussion of the Israeli – Iranian conflict, and its implications for the United States and Arab states. The main topic is Israel’s approach to handling Iran and its partners, given Iran’s ambitions, including its plan to produce nuclear weapons.

Israeli Strategies in the Middle East</a>

Israeli Strategies in the Middle East

This book offers an in depth discussion of the Israeli – Iranian conflict, and its implications for the United States and Arab states. The main topic is Israel’s approach to handling Iran and its partners, given Iran’s ambitions, including its plan to produce nuclear weapons.