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Elayah, Moosa A. / Lambert, Laurent A.

Dr. Moosa A. Elayah is an Assistant Professor in Public Administration, specialized in Conflict Studies, Peacebuilding, and International Development, at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies (Qatar).

Dr. Laurent A. Lambert teaches energy policy, climate change politics and energy diplomacy at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies as well as the global energy transition and energy diplomacy at Sciences Po Paris.

Conflict and Post-Conflict Governance in the Middle East and Africa</a>

Conflict and Post-Conflict Governance in the Middle East and Africa

This book explores the challenges of the governance and public policy in the midst and after conflicts, revolutions, and civil wars in the Middle East and Africa. As anywhere else, the task of rebuilding peace and institutionalizing stability in countries experiencing a conflict or just emerging from it is daunting, uncertain and context specific.