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Eperjesi, Ildik贸

Ildi Eperjesi studied Hungarian, English, American Studies, Russian and Applied Linguistics at the universities of Budapest, Miskolc and P茅cs. Since 2003, she has been a producer at the foreign desk of ATV in Budapest. Her articles have appeared in, among others, 168 脫ra, Hirszerz艖, and Hetek.

Oleksandr Kachura studied History and Ukrainian at Donets鈥檏 National University. A member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, he has been working as a war correspondent in Kramatorsk since 2014. His reports have appeared in, among others, Vostochnyi farvater, Novosti Donbasa, Piotr i Mazepa, and ICTV.
Shreds of War: Fates from the Donbas Frontline 2014-2019</a>

Shreds of War: Fates from the Donbas Frontline 2014-2019

In Eastern Ukraine, unfathomable human dramas have unfolded since 2014. Thousands died in the fighting. The homes of tens of thousands were destroyed. Many were captured and tortured, millions ousted from their homes. The lives of many were broken. Volunteers started to collect food, clothes and even weapons for the frontline.