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Esmer, Yilmaz

Yilmaz Esmer is a professor of political science and international relations
at Bahçesehir University in Istanbul. He received his bachelor’s
degree from Yale University and his Ph.D. from Stanford University. He
is an active researcher in a number of international projects including
the World Values Surveys and the European Values Study. He is the principal
investigator of the Harvard-Bahçesehir project on reproductive
health whose fi ndings are analyzed in this book.
Culture, Politics, Ideology and Reproductive Health in Turkey</a>

Culture, Politics, Ideology and Reproductive Health in Turkey

The main objective of the book is to evaluate the impact of educationprograms targeting women’s reproductive health, initiated and sponsoredby Willows International. The book focuses on Turkey, and thefi eldwork was carried out in Istanbul.The analyses of Turkey’s cultural values and their relation to reproductiveattitudes and behavior are a unique contribution based on thefi ndings of a recent nationwide survey while the chapter on the historicalbackground of Turkey’s family planning policies provides a usefulbackground to interpret the fi ndings from the field.