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Espey, Jessica

Dr. Jessica Espey is a political economist with more than 16 years of professional experience conducting research and policy work on inclusive economic and social development. She has a particular interest in the governance of sustainable development and has written extensively on multilateralism, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), sustainable urbanization, horizontal and vertical inequalities, and the management of data and statistics. Her research findings have been circulated in policy publications, academic journals and books. She is currently a Lecturer in the School of Geographical Sciences at the University of Bristol.  From 2014-2020 she was a Director of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and prior to that she served as an Adviser to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia.
Science in Negotiation</a>

Science in Negotiation

This book explores the role of scientific evidence within United Nations (UN) deliberation by examining the negotiation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), endorsed by Member States in 2015. Using the SDGs as a case study, this book addresses a key gap in our understanding of the role of evidence in contemporary international policy-making.

Science in Negotiation</a>

Science in Negotiation

This book explores the role of scientific evidence within United Nations (UN) deliberation by examining the negotiation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), endorsed by Member States in 2015. Using the SDGs as a case study, this book addresses a key gap in our understanding of the role of evidence in contemporary international policy-making.

Science in Negotiation</a>

Science in Negotiation

This book explores the role of scientific evidence within United Nations (UN) deliberation by examining the negotiation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), endorsed by Member States in 2015. Using the SDGs as a case study, this book addresses a key gap in our understanding of the role of evidence in contemporary international policy-making.