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Fendler, Ute

Ute Fendler holds the chair of Romance and Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Bayreuth. She is the deputy spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence “Africa Multiple. Her research interests cover literature and film cultures of the Caribbean, West Africa, the Indian Ocean, and South America.


Yongkyu Chang is a professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in South Korea and teaches in the Division of African Studies and Graduate School of International Area Studies. He earned his Ph.D. in Anthropology at KwaZulu-Natal University in South Africa and researched various social and cultural issues across Africa. He has expertise in African belief systems and currently working on a project exploring spirit possession in Zanzibar.

Asia-Afria- Multifaceted Engagement in the Contemporary World</a>

Asia-Afria- Multifaceted Engagement in the Contemporary World

This book provides an insight into the complex entanglements between African countries and India, China, and South Korea from multidisciplinary perspectives connecting approaches from cultural, anthropological, literary, and music studies and art history.

Asia-Afria- Multifaceted Engagement in the Contemporary World</a>

Asia-Afria- Multifaceted Engagement in the Contemporary World

This book provides an insight into the complex entanglements between African countries and India, China, and South Korea from multidisciplinary perspectives connecting approaches from cultural, anthropological, literary, and music studies and art history.