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Fischer, Hans-Joachim

Emeritus Prof. Hans-Joachim Fischer is an educationalist and was Professor of Elementary Education at Ludwigsburg College of Education. In addition to research focusing on education and science teaching, he also conducts research on the history of natural philosophy.

Frühgriechische Philosophie</a>

Frühgriechische Philosophie

In the fifth and sixth centuries before Christ, people in Greece begin to think in a new way about the origins and primal causes of the world. We regard this thought today as representing an initial form of philosophizing. It was only hesitantly that it freed itself from its traditional ties to mythology, in which the genesis of the world is conceived of as a theogony.

Frühgriechische Philosophie</a>

Frühgriechische Philosophie

In the fifth and sixth centuries before Christ, people in Greece begin to think in a new way about the origins and primal causes of the world. We regard this thought today as representing an initial form of philosophizing. It was only hesitantly that it freed itself from its traditional ties to mythology, in which the genesis of the world is conceived of as a theogony.