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Gatzweiler, Franz W.

Dr. Franz W. Gatzweiler is Professor at the Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Executive Director of the International Council for Science’s global programme on “Urban Health and Wellbeing: a Systems Approach.” He studied Agricultural Economics at the University of Bonn and the Humboldt University of Berlin in Germany. His doctorate research (summa cum laude) was on the “Nature of Economic Value and the Value of Nature.” Now his interests focus on the science of complex systems, urban, and planetary health. He received stipends and research grants from various German and international research foundations. In 2015, he earned a habilitation (fakultas docendi) for independent teaching and research in the field of resource economics from the Humboldt University of Berlin. Before joining the Chinese Academy of Sciences in October 2014, he was Senior Researcher at the Center of Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn in Germany.

Urban Health and Wellbeing Programme</a>

Urban Health and Wellbeing Programme

This book presents the background and context of an urban health issue, research findings, and recommendations for policy/decision-makers and action-takers. This book is a collection of policy briefs produced from research presented at the 16th Conference on Urban Health in Xiamen, China, during November 4–8, 2019, under the theme “People Oriented Urbanisation: Transforming Cities for Health and Well-Being,” co-organized by the Urban Health and Wellbeing (UHWB) programme of the International Science Council (ISC), The 15th Annual Session of Global Forum on Human Settlements in Shenzhen, China, during October 15–16, 2020, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences & Technology (CAST) International Conference on „Digital economy and green development“ held during November 2020.

Urban Health and Wellbeing Programme</a>

Urban Health and Wellbeing Programme

This book presents the background and context of an urban health issue, research findings, and recommendations for policy/decision-makers and action-takers. This book is a collection of policy briefs produced from research presented at the 16th Conference on Urban Health in Xiamen, China, during November 4–8, 2019, under the theme “People Oriented Urbanisation: Transforming Cities for Health and Well-Being,” co-organized by the Urban Health and Wellbeing (UHWB) programme of the International Science Council (ISC), The 15th Annual Session of Global Forum on Human Settlements in Shenzhen, China, during October 15–16, 2020, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences & Technology (CAST) International Conference on „Digital economy and green development“ held during November 2020.

Urban Health and Wellbeing Programme</a>

Urban Health and Wellbeing Programme

This book presents the background and context of an urban health issue, research findings, and recommendations for policy/decision-makers and action-takers.This book is a collection of policy briefs produced from research presented at the 16th Conference on Urban Health in Xiamen, China, during November 4–8, 2019, under the theme “People Oriented Urbanisation: Transforming Cities for Health and Well-Being,” co-organized by the Urban Health and Wellbeing (UHWB) programme of the International Science Council (ISC), The 15th Annual Session of Global Forum on Human Settlements in Shenzhen, China, during October 15–16, 2020, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences & Technology (CAST) International Conference on "Digital economy and green development" held during November 2020.