Kein Foto

Gelli, Francesca

Francesca Gelli is Associate Professor of Political Science at University Iuav of Venice, Italy.

Matteo Basso is Assistant Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at University Iuav of Venice, Italy.

Identifying Models of National Urban Agendas</a>

Identifying Models of National Urban Agendas

This book utilises comparative diachronic and synchronic analyses to investigate models of national urban agendas. Encompassing cases from Europe, North America, South America and Asia, it examines the changing global geography of national urban agendas since the second post-war period.

Identifying Models of National Urban Agendas</a>

Identifying Models of National Urban Agendas

This book utilises comparative diachronic and synchronic analyses to investigate models of national urban agendas. Encompassing cases from Europe, North America, South America and Asia, it examines the changing global geography of national urban agendas since the second post-war period.

Identifying Models of National Urban Agendas</a>

Identifying Models of National Urban Agendas

This book utilises comparative diachronic and synchronic analyses to investigate models of national urban agendas. Encompassing cases from Europe, North America, South America and Asia, it examines the changing global geography of national urban agendas since the second post-war period.