Kein Foto

Genieys, William

William Genieys is CNRS Research Professor of Politics and Sociology at the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics, Sciences Po, France.

Mohammad Saïd Darviche is Associate Professor at the University of Montpellier, France.

Elites, Policies and State Reconfiguration</a>

Elites, Policies and State Reconfiguration

This book examines the history of the French welfare state from the mid-twentieth century to the present day. The French social security system has changed profoundly over the last few decades. The Bismarkian model of governance and social protection inherited from the Second World War has progressively faded away in favor of a reinforcement of the state’s capacity to intervene on policies and the implementation of national health insurance coverage.

Elites, Policies and State Reconfiguration</a>

Elites, Policies and State Reconfiguration

This book examines the history of the French welfare state from the mid-twentieth century to the present day. The French social security system has changed profoundly over the last few decades. The Bismarkian model of governance and social protection inherited from the Second World War has progressively faded away in favor of a reinforcement of the state’s capacity to intervene on policies and the implementation of national health insurance coverage.