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Gibert, Patrick

Patrick C. Gibert is Emeritus Professor of Management at the University of Paris-Nanterre, France. An alumnus of the Northwestern Graduate School, his publications examine the ways in which public organizations enact performance management and policy evaluation. He is the co-founder of the journal Politiques et Management Public.

Jean-Claude Thoenig is a former research director at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France. A former associate dean at INSEAD, he led the French Conseil Scientifique de l’Évaluation. His academic contributions cover innovation management, policy implementation and evaluation, intergovernmental relationships, higher education, and research institutions.

Assessing Public Management Reforms</a>

Assessing Public Management Reforms

This book examines why many ambitious public management policies do not materialize. Comprehensive reforms do not generate relevant and lasting changes. Yet some evolutions may occur that actually improve the efficiency level inside public administrations.

Assessing Public Management Reforms</a>

Assessing Public Management Reforms

This book examines why many ambitious public management policies do not materialize. Comprehensive reforms do not generate relevant and lasting changes. Yet some evolutions may occur that actually improve the efficiency level inside public administrations.

Assessing Public Management Reforms</a>

Assessing Public Management Reforms

This book examines why many ambitious public management policies do not materialize. Comprehensive reforms do not generate relevant and lasting changes. Yet some evolutions may occur that actually improve the efficiency level inside public administrations.