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Gieg, Philipp

Philipp Gieg is a postdoctoral researcher and member of faculty at the Jean Monnet Chair of European Studies and International Relations, Institute of Political Science and Sociology, University of WĂĽrzburg, Germany. He has recently completed his Ph.D. on India’s Africa policy.

Timo Lowinger is a member of faculty and researcher at the Jean Monnet Chair of European Studies and International Relations, Institute of Political Science and Sociology, University of WĂĽrzburg, Germany. He is also the coordinator of the DAAD project “Foundations of the Indo-European Strategic Partnership.”

Manuel Pietzko is a member of faculty and researcher at the Jean Monnet Chair of European Studies and International Relations, Institute of Political Science and Sociology, University of WĂĽrzburg, Germany.

Anja ZĂĽrn is a member of faculty and researcher at the Jean Monnet Chair of European Studies and International Relations, Institute of Political Science and Sociology, University of WĂĽrzburg, Germany.

Ummu Salma Bava is Chairperson and Jean Monnet Chair, Centre for European Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. She is a member of the Academic Advisory Board, German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, and was member of the Research Advisory Council of Germany’s leading think tank Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP).

Gisela MĂĽller-Brandeck-Bocquet holds the professorship of European Studies and International Relations at the Institute for Political Science and Sociology at the University of WĂĽrzburg, Germany. The European Commission has also awarded her a Jean Monnet Chair for excellent research and teaching activities. She is the convenor of the DAAD project “Foundations of the Indo-European Strategic Partnership.”

India’s Africa Policy</a>

India’s Africa Policy

Quelle:, abgerufen am 10.06.2024 09:00:36

Jenseits der Krisen: Potenziale der europäischen Integration im 21. Jahrhundert</a>

Jenseits der Krisen: Potenziale der europäischen Integration im 21. Jahrhundert

Das Buch richtet den Fokus auf die Potenziale der Europäischen Union für das 21. Jahrhundert. Ausgehend von den inneren und äußeren Krisen, denen sich die EU gegenübersieht, bietet der Band einen analytischen und umfassenden Überblick zu aktuellem Zustand und zu Perspektiven der europäischen Integration.

Jenseits der Krisen: Potenziale der europäischen Integration im 21. Jahrhundert</a>

Jenseits der Krisen: Potenziale der europäischen Integration im 21. Jahrhundert

Das Buch richtet den Fokus auf die Potenziale der Europäischen Union für das 21. Jahrhundert. Ausgehend von den inneren und äußeren Krisen, denen sich die EU gegenübersieht, bietet der Band einen analytischen und umfassenden Überblick zu aktuellem Zustand und zu Perspektiven der europäischen Integration.

India’s Africa Policy</a>

India’s Africa Policy

The book analyses how India’s rise to the status of an emerging power has affected New Delhi’s Africa policy, after sketching the historical evolution and normative underpinnings of Indo-African relations, and what challenges it has brought for New Delhi’s engagement with the continent.

India’s Africa Policy</a>

India’s Africa Policy

The book analyses how India’s rise to the status of an emerging power has affected New Delhi’s Africa policy, after sketching the historical evolution and normative underpinnings of Indo-African relations, and what challenges it has brought for New Delhi’s engagement with the continent.

EU-India Relations</a>

EU-India Relations

India and the European Union bear a particular responsibility: as international relations change, not least because of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the two largest democracies in the world have the unique potential to jointly demonstrate that trusting cooperation and mutual understanding are both indispensable and fruitful—all the more so in the context of increasing national egoism and disregard for the fundamental principles of multilateralism.