Kein Foto

Goarzin, Anne

Maria Parsons is a senior lecturer in the Institute of Art Design and Technology, Dun
Laoghaire. Her research interests are in gender, the body, contemporary critical theory
and popular and digital cultures. She has published in the fields of gothic and horror and
queer studies.
Anne Goarzin is Professor of Irish literature and culture at the University of Rennes 2 France
and a member of the research group CRBC (EA 4451). Her research focuses on Irish literature
and the visual arts and on contemporary critical theory. She is the chair of the French Society
for Irish Studies (SOFEIR) and of GIS E.I.R.E, a research network for Irish studies.
New Cartographies, Nomadic Methodologies</a>

New Cartographies, Nomadic Methodologies

This volume embraces the critical turn of new materialism in order to address how creative and social practices allow for the definition of alternative subject positions and to examine how power relations operate at an embodied, relatable level: it proposes to think global but act local.