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Gomel, Elana / Gurevitch, Danielle

Elana Gomel is Associate Professor at the Department of English and American Studies at Tel-Aviv University. She is the author of five academic books and numerous articles on subjects such as narrative theory, posthumanism, science fiction, and Victorian culture. She is also an award-winning fiction writer. 

Danielle Gurevitch is cultural ethnologist and the director of the Multidisciplinary Studies at the Humanities at Bar-Ilan University. She is the author of several articles, editor of three academic books, and author of two. Speculative fiction, medieval literature, comparative literature, and gender studies are among her fields of expertise. Additionally, she is the chair of the faculty’s “Dangoor Centre” for cultural diplomacy. 

The Palgrave Handbook of Global Fantasy</a>

The Palgrave Handbook of Global Fantasy

This handbook is the first-of-its-kind comprehensive overview of fantasy outside the Anglo-American hegemony. While most academic studies of fantasy follow the well-trodden path of focusing on Tolkien, Rowling, and others, our collection spotlights rich and unique fantasy literatures in India, Australia, Italy, Greece, Poland, Russia, China, and many other areas of Europe, Asia, and the global South.