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Gorbatov, Sergey

Angela Lane is a senior executive with more than 25 years of experience leading global Human Resource functions.  Angela is an inuential HR thinker, producing award-winning strategies in talent management and leadership development. Angela has led transformational change of the talent landscape across a range of Fortune 250 companies, by equipping leaders with practical tools, steeped in the science of high performance.   
Dr. Sergey Gorbatov writes, speaks and teaches about the complex science of human performance and careers. Outside of academia, Sergey is Area HR Director, LATAM - Aesthetics at AbbVie, a Fortune 100 company. In this role, Sergey leads and supports an incredibly talented team of professionals who are responsible for the talent management portfolio across the world. Together, they establish and activate the strategies for ensuring the best talent for the business in the critically important roles. 
Move Up or Move On: 10 Secrets to Develop your Career</a>

Move Up or Move On: 10 Secrets to Develop your Career

Want to take control of your career? This book is for you. Careers don't just happen. Research and experience confirm that career success is associated with specific behaviors.  The good news?  You can intentionally improve your career by mastering 10 learnable skills.