Kein Foto

Goycoolea, Marcos V.

Marcos V. Goycoolea
Universidad de Los Andes,
Santiago, Chile

Sady Selaimen Da Costa
Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
School of Medicine, Federal University of Rio Grande Do Sul

Christopher de Souza
Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India

Michael M. Paparella
Department of Otolaryngology
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Textbook of Otitis Media</a>

Textbook of Otitis Media

This textbook presents a broad approach to otitis media ranging from the basic to the advanced, and comprehensively reviews the diagnosis, treatment, management, and complications of patients with infections of the middle ear (OM). It has been proven that children whose hearing has been affected by otitis media suffer academically.

Textbook of Otitis Media</a>

Textbook of Otitis Media

This textbook presents a broad approach to otitis media ranging from the basic to the advanced, and comprehensively reviews the diagnosis, treatment, management, and complications of patients with infections of the middle ear (OM). It has been proven that children whose hearing has been affected by otitis media suffer academically.