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Grabowski, Marcin

Paulina Napierała is Assistant Professor at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Her research explores the intersection of religion and politics in the United States, currently the role of Black churches. She was a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the CUNY Graduate Centre’s Advanced Research Collaborative (2022-23) and a grantee of the Kosciuszko Foundation (2015, 2022), the National Science Centre Poland (2019), and the Fulbright Commission (2007-08).

Religion and American Politics</a>

Religion and American Politics

This book presents a broad international and interdisciplinary perspective on the role of religion in American politics (both domestic and international). It is a result of cooperation between Jagiellonian University scholars and an international group of academics, including renowned American specialists, who study the interactions between religion and American politics.