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Gschwind, Fabienne

Fabienne Gschwind is a scientist and has a PhD and habilitation in chemistry. The last years she worked in research (both in academia and industry) and also spends a lot of time teaching. As a hobby she runs a small Youtube channel (-vorgewandert-), writes science fiction books or sews outdoor clothes.



Firrland ist eine wilde vulkanische Insel zwischen Spitzbergen und Grönland. Es wäre ein idyllischer Ort, wenn dort nicht eine Gift- und Drogensekte alles beherrschen würde.Helga, die Enkelin der Hohepriesterin, wird aus ihren Studien gerissen und gezwungen, deren Nachfolge anzutreten.

Star Bowling</a>

Star Bowling

A massive super-planet threatens to knock the Earth out of orbit. There is no escape and the planet is evacuated.Young Sera, however, has no intention of moving to the new planet, but signs on as a ship's doctor on a prototype space ship.Of course, everything goes wrong and the ship is flattened and crumpled.