Kein Foto

Guimarães, João Paulo

João Paulo Guimarães holds a PhD in English from SUNY Buffalo, was an Irish Research Council postdoctoral fellow at University College Dublin and is currently a junior researcher at the Universidade do Porto. His research concentrates on experimental poetry and science studies.

Aging Experiments</a>

Aging Experiments

The sustained expansion of the life span and the attendant demographic changes in the West have fuelled the production of cultural texts that explore alternative representations of aging and old age. The contributors to this volume show how artists in science-fiction, fantasy and the avant-garde develop visions of late life transformation, improvisation and adaptation to new circumstances.

Aging Experiments</a>

Aging Experiments

The sustained expansion of the life span and the attendant demographic changes in the West have fuelled the production of cultural texts that explore alternative representations of aging and old age. The contributors to this volume show how artists in science-fiction, fantasy and the avant-garde develop visions of late life transformation, improvisation and adaptation to new circumstances.

Fear of Aging</a>

Fear of Aging

In the genre of horror, elderly people are often used as a trope to evoke both a fear of death and a fear of aging. Old age is therefore equated with bodily, mental, or social decline. The contributors of this book investigate what exactly we are afraid of when we posit old age as a source of horror.

Fear of Aging</a>

Fear of Aging

In the genre of horror, elderly people are often used as a trope to evoke both a fear of death and a fear of aging. Old age is therefore equated with bodily, mental, or social decline. The contributors of this book investigate what exactly we are afraid of when we posit old age as a source of horror.