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Guo, Dandan

Dandan Guo, doctor of education, is Associate Senior Editor of Educational Research, Chinese Academy of Education Sciences. She focuses on the theoretical research of educational equality. She has published more than 10 articles in authoritative academic journals such as Educational Research and Educational Development Research. She is the author of "Research on the Mechanism of Educational Inequality" and has participated in the compilation of "Da Cihai (Education Vol)" with more than 100 thousand words. She has also presided over 4 related topics and projects. At present, She is mainly responsible for compiling and publishing of educational research.

The Frontier of Education Reform and Development in China</a>

The Frontier of Education Reform and Development in China

This book covers education theory and philosophy, basic education, education economy, management and other fields, focusing on the hot and frontier issues of Education reform and development in China 2020. The articles in this book has been translated from Educational Research—the top academic journal in the field of education research in China.

The Frontier of Education Reform and Development in China</a>

The Frontier of Education Reform and Development in China

This book covers education theory and philosophy, basic education, education economy, management and other fields, focusing on the hot and frontier issues of Education reform and development in China 2020. The articles in this book has been translated from Educational Research—the top academic journal in the field of education research in China.

The Frontier of Education Reform and Development in China</a>

The Frontier of Education Reform and Development in China

This book covers education theory and philosophy, basic education, education economy, management and other fields, focusing on the hot and frontier issues of Education reform and development in China 2020. The articles in this book has been translated from Educational Research—the top academic journal in the field of education research in China.