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Guo, Lin

Lin Guo. An Android developer working in Microsoft. The Second Android GDE (Google Developer Expert) in China. Engaged in Android development since 2010. With well developing experience and wrote several popular open-source libraries on GitHub.

He maintains a technical blog on CSDN (one of Chinese largest computer technical forum) since 2013 and posted over 100 articles for sharing developing skills. Currently the blog has more than 10 million visits.

First Line of Android (Chinese Edition) is written by him and has been well received by readers since published. The first two editions of this book have already sold more than 250,000 copies, which is the best-seller in books of Android in China.

The First Line of Code</a>

The First Line of Code

The First Line of Code is a must-have for developers who want to learn Android and Kotlin, and the best-seller in China. Knowledge between Android and Kotlin is interspersed in a way that readers are easy to understand and get start:·         Android part covers all the important aspects of the Android platform, such as activity, service, content provider, broadcast receiver, fragment, basic UI, data storage, network, Jetpack and other application-level knowledge.

The First Line of Code</a>

The First Line of Code

The First Line of Code is a must-have for developers who want to learn Android and Kotlin, and the best-seller in China. Knowledge between Android and Kotlin is interspersed in a way that readers are easy to understand and get start:·         Android part covers all the important aspects of the Android platform, such as activity, service, content provider, broadcast receiver, fragment, basic UI, data storage, network, Jetpack and other application-level knowledge.