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Hadorn, Susanne

Susanne Hadorn is Researcher and Policy Evaluator at the KPM Center for Public Management, University of Bern, Switzerland. Her research interests include network governance and management, policy implementation, and health policy.

Network Management and Governance in Policy Implementation</a>

Network Management and Governance in Policy Implementation

This book assesses the management and performance of networks in light of the rising popularity of collaborative approaches in public service delivery. It does so by examining the case of smoking-prevention networks in Switzerland. The book considers how network managers can be distinguished based on work-context related factors, and analyses how the interaction of these factors leads to either active or non-active network management within collaborative policy delivery arrangements.

Network Management and Governance in Policy Implementation</a>

Network Management and Governance in Policy Implementation

This book assesses the management and performance of networks in light of the rising popularity of collaborative approaches in public service delivery. It does so by examining the case of smoking-prevention networks in Switzerland. The book considers how network managers can be distinguished based on work-context related factors, and analyses how the interaction of these factors leads to either active or non-active network management within collaborative policy delivery arrangements.

Network Management and Governance in Policy Implementation</a>

Network Management and Governance in Policy Implementation

This book assesses the management and performance of networks in light of the rising popularity of collaborative approaches in public service delivery. It does so by examining the case of smoking-prevention networks in Switzerland. The book considers how network managers can be distinguished based on work-context related factors, and analyses how the interaction of these factors leads to either active or non-active network management within collaborative policy delivery arrangements.