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Haller, André

André Haller is professor for Marketing, Communication Management, and Digital Marketing at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tyrol (Austria). His research interests are: digital campaigns, political communication, and scandal and crisis communication.

Hendrik Michael is a research assistant at the Institute of Communication Studies at the University of Bamberg (Germany). His research focus is on theories of journalism, transformations of media genres, and journalistic storytelling.

Lucas Seeber is a research assistant at the Institute of Communication Studies at the University of Bamberg (Germany). His research focus is on strategic and political communication, digital transformation, and campaign communication.

Scandalogy 4</a>

Scandalogy 4

This volume examines the growing presence of populism, partisanship, and polarization and analyzes what this means for scandalization processes. While politics appears to have entered a mode of perpetual crisis and growing dysfunctionality, the rapid succession of scandals may be a symptom of this crisis and its catalyst at the same time.

Scandalogy 4</a>

Scandalogy 4

This volume examines the growing presence of populism, partisanship, and polarization and analyzes what this means for scandalization processes. While politics appears to have entered a mode of perpetual crisis and growing dysfunctionality, the rapid succession of scandals may be a symptom of this crisis and its catalyst at the same time.

Scandology 3</a>

Scandology 3

This book presents research on mediated scandals and substantiates the understanding of such forms of scandals and their impact on societies. Additionally, it connects the study of scandals with the broader fields of political communication research, organizational communication, journalism studies, and digital communication research.

Scandology 3</a>

Scandology 3

This book presents research on mediated scandals and substantiates the understanding of such forms of scandals and their impact on societies. Additionally, it connects the study of scandals with the broader fields of political communication research, organizational communication, journalism studies, and digital communication research.