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Hartmann, Marion

Marion Hartmann (*1960), geboren in Berlin, lebt seit 2017 in Gartow/Elbe. Studium der Humanmedizin in Tübingen, Praktische Ärztin und Psychotherapeutin (Tiefenpsychologie) in freier Praxis, Meditationsleiterin und Yogatherapeutin (Nivata, Berlin), verheiratet, vier Kinder. Beginn der schriftstellerischen Tätigkeit 2014 nach einem persönlichen Schicksalsschlag, überwiegend Lyrik.
Ihre Leidenschaft gilt dem gesungenen, wie dem gesprochenen Wort – und der Stille. Mehr zur Autorin auf ihrer Webseite:
What exactly is cancer?</a>

What exactly is cancer?

Martin sits thoughtfully in the kitchen with his aunt, who had cancer, and asks her what cancer exactly is. She then tells him the story of the “cellings” in the human body. Slowly, some cellings turn into “cancerlings,” because they are angry about the "rubbish" in the human body resulting from wrong nutrition or air pollution we breathe in.

What exactly is cancer?</a>

What exactly is cancer?

Martin sits thoughtfully in the kitchen with his aunt, who had cancer, and asks her what cancer exactly is. She then tells him the story of the “cellings” in the human body. Slowly, some cellings turn into “cancerlings,” because they are angry about the "rubbish" in the human body resulting from wrong nutrition or air pollution we breathe in.

What exactly is cancer?</a>

What exactly is cancer?

Martin sits thoughtfully in the kitchen with his aunt, who had cancer, and asks her what cancer exactly is. She then tells him the story of the “cellings” in the human body. Slowly, some cellings turn into “cancerlings,” because they are angry about the "rubbish" in the human body resulting from wrong nutrition or air pollution we breathe in.



Mit Briefen und Fotos ihres Großvaters im Gepäck begibt sich die Erzählerin auf eine Reise in die Vergangenheit: Dr. Alfred Woldt, Sohn eines kaiserlichen Bahnbeamten aus Pommern, muss gleich nach der Abgabe seiner Doktorarbeit an die Front.Nach dem Zusammenbruch des Kaiserreiches zieht es ihn nach Berlin, wo er der Liebe seines Lebens begegnet.