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Hayek, Friedrich August von
Hardy Bouillon, author of Business Ethics and the Austrian Tradition in Economics (Routledge 2011), is extra-curricular professor for philosophy at the University of Trier, Germany. A member of the Mont Pèlerin Society, Bouillon taught at several European universities and authored or edited more than 30 books.
Der Kapitalismus und die Historiker.
»Capitalism and the Historians«: »Der Kapitalismus und die Historiker« is a translation of »Capitalism and the Historians«, ed. by F.A. Hayek and written together with T.S. Ashton, L.M. Hacker, H.W. Hutt and B. de Jouvenel. Although evidence and economic history have demonstrated that capitalism has created the proletariat and improved its living conditions throughout the entire industrial revolution, historians still tend to ignore or even object this fact, mainly for ideological and methodological reasons.