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Heffernan, Troy

Dr Troy Heffernan is Senior Lecturer in Leadership at La Trobe University. His research is centred on higher education with a particular focus on policy, leadership, administration, management, and inequalities within the sector.

His work explores vice-chancellors’ approaches to management; the emotional labour involved in higher education leadership; the consequences of precarious employment; the implication of personal networks in academic promotion and hiring relating to gender, race, and minority groups; and understanding the repercussions of higher education’s shift to business models and marketing practices.

His work has received numerous awards for research excellence, and he regularly participates in public and invited speaking engagements.

The Marginalised Majority in Higher Education</a>

The Marginalised Majority in Higher Education

This book examines how the higher education sector has approached marginalised student and staff populations. The author highlights how universities were historically, and largely remain, the domain of the privileged, and demonstrates how institutions have implemented systems to enhance access for people marginalised because of their gender, race, sexual identity, disability and/or social class.

The Marginalised Majority in Higher Education</a>

The Marginalised Majority in Higher Education

This book examines how the higher education sector has approached marginalised student and staff populations. The author highlights how universities were historically, and largely remain, the domain of the privileged, and demonstrates how institutions have implemented systems to enhance access for people marginalised because of their gender, race, sexual identity, disability and/or social class.

Bourdieu and Higher Education</a>

Bourdieu and Higher Education

This book introduces Bourdieu in the context of higher education for unfamiliar readers or those who would like to see his theories applied in the higher education setting. It builds upon research into higher education leadership and administration to examine how the university sector has changed over recent decades and how it has been reshaped into its current form.