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Heinemann, Evelyn

Prof. Dr. Evelyn Heinemann, Sonderpädagogin und Psychoanalytikerin, lehrt Allgemeine Sonderpädagogik an der Universität Mainz. Dr. Hans Hopf ist Pädagoge, Kinder- und Jugendlichen-Psychotherapeut sowie Kontrollanalytiker.

Psychische Störungen in Kindheit und Jugend</a>

Psychische Störungen in Kindheit und Jugend

Psychological disturbances are common in childhood and adolescence, but only very few of those affected receive the necessary educational and therapeutic support. This book provides an overview of the symptoms and underlying psychodynamics of the various disturbances.

Psychische Störungen in Kindheit und Jugend</a>

Psychische Störungen in Kindheit und Jugend

Psychological disturbances are common in childhood and adolescence, but only very few of those affected receive the necessary educational and therapeutic support. This book provides an overview of the symptoms and underlying psychodynamics of the various disturbances.

Psychische Störungen in Kindheit und Jugend</a>

Psychische Störungen in Kindheit und Jugend

Psychological disturbances are common in childhood and adolescence, but only very few of those affected receive the necessary educational and therapeutic support. This book provides an overview of the symptoms and underlying psychodynamics of the various disturbances.