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Helm, Marian

Marian Helm wurde an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum promoviert und ist derzeit wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Seminar für Alte Geschichte der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind die Römische Republik, antike Militärgeschichte, Siedlungsgeschichte Latiums sowie die Sakrallandschaft des Saronischen Golfes.
Spoils in the Roman Republic</a>

Spoils in the Roman Republic

Warfare was a common occurrence in the Ancient World, and the Roman Republic was no exception in this regard. Rome was exceptionally successful in its military endeavours, which led to the conquest of the Italian Peninsula and the historically unique creation of a Mediterranean empire.

Spoils in the Roman Republic</a>

Spoils in the Roman Republic

Warfare was a common occurrence in the Ancient World, and the Roman Republic was no exception in this regard. Rome was exceptionally successful in its military endeavours, which led to the conquest of the Italian Peninsula and the historically unique creation of a Mediterranean empire.