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Hepp, Rolf Dieter

PD Dr. Rolf Hepp teaches at the Institute for Sociology at the FU Berlin and coordinates the SUPI-Network.
Shifts and reorientation within the social-crisis and catastrophe: towards the realization of pandemic epistemological processes</a>

Shifts and reorientation within the social-crisis and catastrophe: towards the realization of pandemic epistemological processes

In the pandemic, the state in Germany reacts in lockdown with restrictions within the private sphere of a shutdown of the leisure and cultural sphere, while the work contexts are only peripherally affected. Out of this crisis, new techniques of leadership are intensifying.

Shifts and reorientation within the social-crisis and catastrophe: towards the realization of pandemic epistemological processes</a>

Shifts and reorientation within the social-crisis and catastrophe: towards the realization of pandemic epistemological processes

In the pandemic, the state in Germany reacts in lockdown with restrictions within the private sphere of a shutdown of the leisure and cultural sphere, while the work contexts are only peripherally affected. Out of this crisis, new techniques of leadership are intensifying.