Kein Foto

Herzog, Stefanie

Anne Meissner, Professor of Nursing and Care Organization at the University of Hildesheim, spokesperson for the Development and Consequences of Technology in Nursing Section of the German Society for Nursing Science, currently serving as expert for Germany in the Joint Programming Initiative ?More Years, Better Lives= for the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Christophe Kunze, Professor of Assistive Health Technologies in the Faculty of Health, Safety and Society at Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences, board member of the Research Institute for Humans, Technology and Participation (IMTT) at Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences, member of the ?Human&Technology Interaction= section at the BW Centre for Applied Research (BW-CAR) and co-founder of Nubedian Software GmbH.

Neue Technologien in der Pflege</a>

Neue Technologien in der Pflege

Die Digitalisierung der beruflichen Pflege ordnet sich in die weltweit rasante Technikentwicklung ein. In der Arbeitswelt wie im Privatleben hat die Digitalisierung schon lange Einzug gehalten. Derzeit befinden wir uns in der zweiten Digitalisierungswelle und stehen kurz vor der Dritten.