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Hill, Deborah

Deborah Hill is Associate Professor in TESOL and Linguistics at the University of Canberra, Australia. Her interests are language and culture, language description, semantics, and language in development. She has published on the grammar and (ethno-)semantics of Longgu, Solomon Islands. She is currently leading an agricultural research for development project in the Solomon Islands. 

Felix K. Ameka is a socio-cultural-cognitive linguist, and Chair Professor Ethnolinguistic Vitality and Diversity at Leiden University, The Netherlands. He is a Fellow of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences, Australian Academy of Humanities and Academia Europaea. His interests are language documentation and description, language and culture, and sociolinguistics of development. He has published on the lexicon, grammar, (ethno-)semantics, (ethno-)pragmatics, and language contact of West African languages.

Languages, Linguistics and Development Practices</a>

Languages, Linguistics and Development Practices

This edited book presents case-studies and reflections on the role of languages and their analytic study in development practices across four regions: Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Pacific. The authors highlight the importance of conceptual studies of languages and cultures, as well as language choice, for enhancing development practices, demonstrating the value that language analysis and the humanities can add to the already multi-disciplinary field of Development Studies.