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Hillberry, Logan Edward

Logan completed his PhD in physics at the University of Texas at Austin in 2022 under the supervision of Professor Mark Raizen. Now, Logan continues to work as a postdoctoral fellow in the same group while coordinating his next position. Previously, he earned an MS in applied physics, under the supervision of Professor Lincoln Carr, and a BS in engineering physics from the Colorado School of Mines.  Logan has broad research interests ranging from acoustics to quantum many-body dynamics. He particularly enjoys numerics for simulation and data analysis, and building instruments to make new measurements.

Optically Trapped Microspheres as Sensors of Mass and Sound</a>

Optically Trapped Microspheres as Sensors of Mass and Sound

This thesis makes significant advances in the use of microspheres in optical traps as highly precise sensing platforms. While optically trapped microspheres have recently proven their dominance in aqueous and vacuum environments, achieving state-of-the-art measurements of miniscule forces and torques, their sensitivity to perturbations in air has remained relatively unexplored.

Optically Trapped Microspheres as Sensors of Mass and Sound</a>

Optically Trapped Microspheres as Sensors of Mass and Sound

This thesis makes significant advances in the use of microspheres in optical traps as highly precise sensing platforms. While optically trapped microspheres have recently proven their dominance in aqueous and vacuum environments, achieving state-of-the-art measurements of miniscule forces and torques, their sensitivity to perturbations in air has remained relatively unexplored.