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Hille, Martin

Prof. Dr. Martin Hille teaches modern and contemporary history at the University of Passau. He is research associate of the Historical Commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Munich. Doctoral thesis on the rural history of southern Bavaria in the Thirty Years War at the University of Munich 1994. 2008 Habilitation at the University of Passau with a study on the mood of catholic chroniclers in the Reformation century. His research focuses first on the social, communication, mental and intellectual history of the confessional age. Further studies concern the political and regional history of the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich.

Apl. Prof. Dr. Marc von Knorring studied history and German in Passau and Bonn. In 2006 he published his dissertation “Die Hochstiftspolitik des Passauer Bischofs Wolfgang von Salm” and in 2014 his habilitation thesis “Die Wilhelminische Zeit in der Diskussion. Autobiographische Epochencharakterisierungen 1918–1939”. He is currently working as a project manager at the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies at the University of Passau. His research focuses on German and international history of the 19th and 20th centuries: etiquette literature as a political medium, monarchies in transition, memoirs and historical images, child abuse in the Catholic Church.

Desiderius Meier studied history and political science in Munich and Cambridge. In 2018 the doctorate took place at the LMU Munich. His dissertation about “Hermann Dietrich. Bourse and liberalism in the Weimar Republic” was awarded the prize of the Wolf-Erich-Kellner-Gedächtnisstiftung in 2019. Since 2018 he has been a research assistant at the Chair for Modern and Latest History, University of Passau. His research focuses on the German and US political, social and economic history of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Vom Nutzen der Historie.</a>

Vom Nutzen der Historie.

Die Festschrift ehrt Professor Hans-Christof Kraus, Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte an der Universität Passau, der am 3. November 2023 seinen 65. Geburtstag feiert. Als Historiker, der sein Fach von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart vertritt, publiziert er in den angesehensten Fachorganen, gibt bedeutende Reihen und Zeitschriften heraus und ist Mitglied zahlreicher renommierter Gremien.