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Holes, Rian F.

Rian F. Holes has started writing when he was seven years old by writing short stories about a teddy bear. Later as a teenager he wrote poetry, crime and science-fiction novels. While still being at school he started working as a freelance reporter for a local newspaper.
He had studied HR and organizational man-agement and Catholic Theology. He is a for-mer business consultant and works as a teacher now. He had already published stories for children and articles about business management in international journals. Ice and Prey is his first internationally published novel for adults.
He is married and father of two sons. Together with his family and a small dog he lives in a village in western Germany.

Eis und Beute</a>

Eis und Beute

Die deutsche Paläontologin Doktor Susanne Hoffmann ist überrascht, als sie von einem dänischen Zoologen angerufen wird, der ihre Hilfe braucht. Einige Überreste eines nicht identifizierten riesigen Tieres sind in Westgrönland gefunden worden. Die Zoologen denken, dass es zu einer unbekannten prähistorischen Kreatur gehört.

Ice and Prey</a>

Ice and Prey

The German paleontologist Doctor Susanne Hoffmann is surprised as she got called by a Danish zoologist who needs her help. Some remains of an unidentified huge animal had been found in western Greenland. The zoologist think of it to belong to an unknown prehistorical creature.