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Huber, Christopher

Christopher Huber is a Research Fellow associated with the GIGA German Institute for Global and Area Studies in Hamburg. His research focuses on international sanctions, counterterrorism and religious conflicts.

Imposing Sanctions on Violent Non-State Actors to Restore International Peace and Security</a>

Imposing Sanctions on Violent Non-State Actors to Restore International Peace and Security

In the last decades, violent non-state actors (VNSAs) such as rebel and terrorist organizations have proved their capacity to break international law. The international community, particularly the United Nations (UN), has reacted to this development by redirecting its conflict resolution efforts to these non-state entities.

Imposing Sanctions on Violent Non-State Actors to Restore International Peace and Security</a>

Imposing Sanctions on Violent Non-State Actors to Restore International Peace and Security

In the last decades, violent non-state actors (VNSAs) such as rebel and terrorist organizations have proved their capacity to break international law. The international community, particularly the United Nations (UN), has reacted to this development by redirecting its conflict resolution efforts to these non-state entities.