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Huizingh, Eelko

Eelko Huizingh is an experienced academic researcher and a trainer. His track record includes over 500 publications, with some articles cited 1,000-2,000+ times. He runs the EDEN seminar How to design your PhD (10+ years) and has given 200+ events worldwide on academic publishing and academic talent development. As the scientific affairs director of ISPIM, he regularly participates in Junior Researcher Labs.

Unlocking PhD Success</a>

Unlocking PhD Success

Are you a current or aspiring Ph. D. student determined to overcome the challenges that lie ahead? Do not let statistics discourage you, because this comprehensive guide is here to help you defy the odds and reach the pinnacle of academic achievement.

Unlocking PhD Success</a>

Unlocking PhD Success

Are you a current or aspiring Ph.D. student determined to overcome the challenges that lie ahead? Do not let statistics discourage you, because this comprehensive guide is here to help you defy the odds and reach the pinnacle of academic achievement. With failure rates hovering between 40% and 50%, it is crucial to equip yourself with the right skills to ensure your success.