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Hultin, Niklas

Niklas Hultin is Assistant Professor in the Global Affairs Program at George Mason University, USA.

Domestic Gun Control and International Small Arms Control in Africa</a>

Domestic Gun Control and International Small Arms Control in Africa

This book, based on field research in the West African country of The Gambia, explores how domestic gun control is shaped by international efforts and how local actors interact with international organizations or opt not to do so. The book also shows how the question of who can have what kind of gun under what circumstances is an intrinsic question to modern societies across the world, but it is seldom one that is addressed in sub-Saharan Africa except in cases of post-conflict countries.

Domestic Gun Control and International Small Arms Control in Africa</a>

Domestic Gun Control and International Small Arms Control in Africa

This book, based on field research in the West African country of The Gambia, explores how domestic gun control is shaped by international efforts and how local actors interact with international organizations or opt not to do so. The book also shows how the question of who can have what kind of gun under what circumstances is an intrinsic question to modern societies across the world, but it is seldom one that is addressed in sub-Saharan Africa except in cases of post-conflict countries.

Domestic Gun Control and International Small Arms Control in Africa</a>

Domestic Gun Control and International Small Arms Control in Africa

This book, based on field research in the West African country of The Gambia, explores how domestic gun control is shaped by international efforts and how local actors interact with international organizations or opt not to do so. The book also shows how the question of who can have what kind of gun under what circumstances is an intrinsic question to modern societies across the world, but it is seldom one that is addressed in sub-Saharan Africa except in cases of post-conflict countries.