Kein Foto

Imbarack, Patricia

Patricia Imbarack is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Learning and Development of the Faculty of Education at The Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. She is a clinical psychologist and Ph.D. in Education Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University. She is currently Director of the Pedagogy Career in Catholic religion at the same university. His areas of interest are Catholic Education, sense and life project in youth, beliefs and religious formation, and training of teachers of religion.

Cristobal Madero is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Educational Policy of the Faculty of Education at Alberto Hurtado University. He is a sociologist and received his M.A. and Ph.D. in education policy from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Master's degree in Theology from Boston College. His research interests include primary and secondary teacher retention policies, the evolution of Catholic educational subsystems, school inclusion policies, and the training of school leaders for new public education in Chile

Catholic Education in Latin America</a>

Catholic Education in Latin America

This book aims to be a reference for understanding an educational system throughout Latin America aligned with the Catholic Church. In both public and private sectors, whether it’s in the secular or the religious sector, considering Catholic Education brings up a question regarding the relevance of religion in the public sector, where education is presented as another alternative of education.