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Ismailov, Sezgin

Sezgin Ismailov writes his books under the pseudonym Sez Gin, He mainly publishes his printed books in German , English and Turkish . After his military service , Ismailov began his entrepreneurial path by opening an aperitif cafe in 1990. In 1996, Ismailov and a partner established a real estate agency. In 2007, with the same partner, they established a construction company. In 2016 Ismailov moved to Germany with his wife and children. He left the business to be run by his partner. In 2019, Ismailov wrote his first book, Manners in the Great Kingdom, and a year later his second book, The Wealth in the Great Kingdom. In 2022, Ismailov's third book, The Heir to the Dynasty, was written. He is currently finishing his fourth book, '369 Hours of Punishment'. He is also keen on reading books and buying dividend stocks. He is a gold author in the self-improvement category. At the Golden Pencil Awards 2023 Turkiye
The hier of the dynasty</a>

The hier of the dynasty

A majestic, huge castle rises along the banks of the Rhine. This castle is not on any map and you cannot find a word about it on the Internet. It is home to the Secret World Government, an ancient royal family with thousands of years of history. The king and queen have grown old and are looking around for heirs.

The hier of the dynasty</a>

The hier of the dynasty

A majestic, huge castle rises along the banks of the Rhine. This castle is not on any map and you cannot find a word about it on the Internet. It is home to the Secret World Government, an ancient royal family with thousands of years of history. The king and queen have grown old and are looking around for heirs.

Der Erbe der Dynastie</a>

Der Erbe der Dynastie

Am Ufer des Rheins erhebt sich eine majestätische, riesige Burg. Dieses Schloss ist auf keiner Landkarte verzeichnet, und im Internet findet man kein Wort darüber. Es ist der Sitz der Geheimen Weltregierung, einer alten Königsfamilie mit einer jahrtausendealten Geschichte.

Der Erbe der Dynastie</a>

Der Erbe der Dynastie

Am Ufer des Rheins erhebt sich eine majestätische, riesige Burg. Dieses Schloss ist auf keiner Landkarte verzeichnet, und im Internet findet man kein Wort darüber. Es ist der Sitz der Geheimen Weltregierung, einer alten Königsfamilie mit einer jahrtausendealten Geschichte.