Kein Foto

Jean, Joannie

Joannie Jean completed a B.A. in History (2009), a DESS in post-secondary teaching (2010), an M.A. in Anthropology (2013) and a PhD in Sociology at the University of Ottawa in 2018. Her master’s thesis explored the relations between memory and representations of the past among the families of the detained-disappeared. Her interdisciplinary PhD research undertook the reconstruction of the main debates that arose around the question of impunity, truth and memory in Chile. Based on the discourses produced by seven organizations located in Santiago and by formal and informal interviews, she examined particular historical conjunctures in order to highlight the struggles over the meaning taken by the difficult past within the Chilean society while looking into the dynamics of contention at play. Her current work focuses on museums and their uses by different organizations to discuss the question of social movements, ethics and memory. She is currently conducting her post-doctoral research at the Université de Moncton.

Battles for Memory and Justice in Chile</a>

Battles for Memory and Justice in Chile

This book analyzes how the past and its representation in the public space have been a source of conflict in Chile since the end of the Pinochet regime. From a multi-disciplinary perspective (sociology, anthropology and history), it studies the work of seven organizations of memory and human rights in Santiago, Chile, the struggles in which they are engaged, and the main debates that have arisen in the country around the themes of impunity, truth and memory.

Battles for Memory and Justice in Chile</a>

Battles for Memory and Justice in Chile

This book analyzes how the past and its representation in the public space have been a source of conflict in Chile since the end of the Pinochet regime. From a multi-disciplinary perspective (sociology, anthropology and history), it studies the work of seven organizations of memory and human rights in Santiago, Chile, the struggles in which they are engaged, and the main debates that have arisen in the country around the themes of impunity, truth and memory.

Battles for Memory and Justice in Chile</a>

Battles for Memory and Justice in Chile

This book analyzes how the past and its representation in the public space have been a source of conflict in Chile since the end of the Pinochet regime. From a multi-disciplinary perspective (sociology, anthropology and history), it studies the work of seven organizations of memory and human rights in Santiago, Chile, the struggles in which they are engaged, and the main debates that have arisen in the country around the themes of impunity, truth and memory.