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Jennings, George

Dr. George Jennings has been researching the martial arts since his undergraduate dissertation in 2004. He holds a PhD in Sport and Health Sciences from the University of Exeter, United Kingdom, and is Senior Lecturer in Sport Sociology at Cardiff Metropolitan University. George has over 40 publications.
Reinventing Martial Arts in the 21st Century</a>

Reinventing Martial Arts in the 21st Century

Based on over 15 years of research, this text proposes a new definition of the martial arts to examine how such fighting systems are being re-imagined and reconstructed beyond the arenas of combat and sport in the 21st century Western context. Taking the viewpoint of the martial arts as art forms open to reinterpretation, this unique book considers the ways in which martial arts can be used for different purposes, such as within movement systems and for self-help and therapy.