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Joan, Johanne T. G.

Johanne Joan, a fascinating personality and author, takes her readers on a journey through the 1st century AD to reconstruct the appearances and messages of a holy man who travelled through Palestine. Her profound connection to nature and its healing powers, which has accompanied her since her birth in Saint Omer, northern France, was further deepened by her studies of art and music until she found her true calling in naturopathy.
Meeting Josef Angerer, a recognised naturopath and seer from Munich, was a turning point in her life. As his private assistant, author and illustrator of his works, she gained deep insights into the healing powers of nature and naturopathy. These experiences shaped her and significantly expanded her knowledge and skills.
Entrusted with the honourable task of writing the seventh and final volume of Angerer's pioneering work "The Ophthalmotrophic Phenomenology", she faces the challenge of completing a work that illuminates the "Ophthalmotrophic Environment" in all its facets and is still in progress.
However, Johanne Joan sees her greatest achievement in the discovery of the Gospel of the Essenes. She considers it to be the authentic and older version of the gospel preached by a holy man in the first century AD. Her intensive research, confirmed by recognised professors such as Prof. Dr Robert Eisenman from the USA, proves the authenticity and historicity of the Essene Gospel as the first Christian message.
"The Mystery of the True Gospel" is the impressive result of seven years of intensive research. Joan presents historical documents that prove the authenticity and antiquity of the Essene Gospel, which, as Edmond Szekely claims, is hidden in the secret archives of the Vatican. This book is not only a testimony to their dedication and commitment, but also a call to seek and understand the truth behind the scriptures. It is a must-read for anyone interested in the deep roots of the Christian faith and the unadulterated message it once carried. For animal rights activists, natural health advocates and environmentalists, this book is a valuable treasure that inspires reflection and action.
Das Evangelium der Essener - Dr. Edmond Szekely</a>

Das Evangelium der Essener - Dr. Edmond Szekely

Vor etwa 100 Jahren, im Jahr 1923, stieß Edmond Szekely in den geheimen und staubigen Archiven des Vatikans auf ein Manuskript von ungeahnter Bedeutung. Dieses Evangelium barg ein Geheimnis, dessen Worte und Predigten seltsam vertraut wirkten - fast so, als wären sie dem Neuen Testament entnommen worden.