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Julios, Christina

Dr Christina Julios is an academic author, Honorary Associate at The Open University (UK) and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK). She is a former Honorary Research Fellow and Associate Lecturer at Birkbeck, University of London (UK), and has guest-lectured at Queen Mary, University of London. Her research interests include gender equality, violence against women and girls, and social movements. Previously, Dr Julios was Director of Policy and External Affairs at the Ethnic Minority Foundation, a national charity. She has authored the books Female Genital Mutilation and Social Media (2019), Forced Marriage and 'Honour' Killings in Britain (2015), and Contemporary British Identity (2008).

Sexual Harassment in the UK Parliament</a>

Sexual Harassment in the UK Parliament

This book examines the phenomenon of sexual harassment in the UK Parliament and efforts to tackle it. The volume’s in-depth research unveils a political culture where sexual transgressions thrive. Its intersectional feminist perspective furthermore highlights multiple systems of gendered oppression perpetuating inequality.

Sexual Harassment in the UK Parliament</a>

Sexual Harassment in the UK Parliament

This book examines the phenomenon of sexual harassment in the UK Parliament and efforts to tackle it. The volume’s in-depth research unveils a political culture where sexual transgressions thrive. Its intersectional feminist perspective furthermore highlights multiple systems of gendered oppression perpetuating inequality.