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Junker-Latocha, Brian

Brian Junker-Latocha, born 1988 in Indiana, USA and
in Germany since 2008, lives in Offenbach am Main with his
wife, Eva, and cat, Willi. When he’s not playing Schafkopf
with his friends, you can find him brainstorming on white-
boards in the IT world or playing folk guitar with the Open
Creek Stringband.
Schafkopf for Expats and English Speakers</a>

Schafkopf for Expats and English Speakers

“I’m playing with the acorn!”, “With an under you won’t go under!”, “The duck is fat in the butt!”: Bavaria’s national pastime is a ride of highs and lows, guaranteed to get your heart thumping and your overs trumping.Whether you’re deep down in Oberbayern, or far beyond the Weißwurst equator, Schafkopf for Expats puts all you need to get started with this classic card game into plain English.