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Karhu, Anna

Anna Karhu is Research Manager at the University of Turku, Finland, and currently focuses on the Trade Policy Experts and Know-how to Finland (KAPPAS) project funded by the Union of Industries and Employers Foundation. 

Eini Haaja is Research Manager at the University of Turku, Finland. Haaja has specialised in international business with an emphasis on collective opportunity recognition amidst changes in the business environment. 

Global Trade and Trade Governance During De-Globalization</a>

Global Trade and Trade Governance During De-Globalization

This book takes a fresh and much needed perspective on the challenges of trade policy and explores possible futures for trade policy development. By taking the perspective of business studies, the book does not only focus on the economic, policy, or legislative perspectives, but views trade policy as a part of international business environment.

Global Trade and Trade Governance During De-Globalization</a>

Global Trade and Trade Governance During De-Globalization

This book takes a fresh and much needed perspective on the challenges of trade policy and explores possible futures for trade policy development. By taking the perspective of business studies, the book does not only focus on the economic, policy, or legislative perspectives, but views trade policy as a part of international business environment.