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Katagiri, Nori

Nori Katagiri is Associate Professor of Political Science and Coordinator (Director) of International Studies at Saint Louis University (SLU). He is also Associate Editor of Global Studies Quarterly and the author of Adapting to Win: How Insurgent Forces Fight and Defeat Foreign States in War. He holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Pennsylvania.

How Liberal Democracies Defend Their Cyber Networks from Hackers</a>

How Liberal Democracies Defend Their Cyber Networks from Hackers

This book outlines the main technological, legal, and operational options that liberal democratic nations have when confronting challenges in cyberspace. It offers a range of policy ideas they can adopt to make their defense stronger and deter future cyber-attacks.

How Liberal Democracies Defend Their Cyber Networks from Hackers</a>

How Liberal Democracies Defend Their Cyber Networks from Hackers

This book outlines the main technological, legal, and operational options that liberal democratic nations have when confronting challenges in cyberspace. It offers a range of policy ideas they can adopt to make their defense stronger and deter future cyber-attacks.