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Kaufer, Ricardo

Ricardo Kaufer is a Research Assistant at the Department of Political Science & Communication Studies, University of Greifswald, Germany. His research focuses on the relationship between the capitalist mode of production, land use policies and social movements. In earlier research contributions he has demonstrated that non-mainstream interests and ideologies are marginalized in the context of forest and agricultural policies. His goal is to show how powerless actors seek to influence public policies and to mobilize publics in the interest of achieving a climate-just transition.

Forest Politics from Below</a>

Forest Politics from Below

This book presents an analysis of forest politics that employs a broader scope to include non-institutionalized actors. It offers a comparative perspective on various environmental social movements fighting to protect forests around the globe, including indigenous communities in the Amazon and eco-anarchists in Europe.

Forest Politics from Below</a>

Forest Politics from Below

This book presents an analysis of forest politics that employs a broader scope to include non-institutionalized actors. It offers a comparative perspective on various environmental social movements fighting to protect forests around the globe, including indigenous communities in the Amazon and eco-anarchists in Europe.

Forest Politics from Below</a>

Forest Politics from Below

This book presents an analysis of forest politics that employs a broader scope to include non-institutionalized actors. It offers a comparative perspective on various environmental social movements fighting to protect forests around the globe, including indigenous communities in the Amazon and eco-anarchists in Europe.