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Kim, Daewook

Daewook Kim earned a doctorate at Rikkyo University (Graduate School of Christian Studies), Tokyo.

Prophetic Conflicts in the Deuteronomistic History</a>

Prophetic Conflicts in the Deuteronomistic History

This study explores the four narratives regarding prophetic conflicts in the Deuteronomistic History via three steps: first, examining the narratives with a synchronic approach; second, discussing the date of the narratives as revised by the Deuteronomists in the Persian period; last, considering religious settings and rhetorical purposes of the narratives.

Prophetic Conflicts in the Deuteronomistic History</a>

Prophetic Conflicts in the Deuteronomistic History

This study explores the four narratives regarding prophetic conflicts in the Deuteronomistic History via three steps: first, examining the narratives with a synchronic approach; second, discussing the date of the narratives as revised by the Deuteronomists in the Persian period; last, considering religious settings and rhetorical purposes of the narratives.